I am going to Rexburg this weekend! This is the first time I have been back since I left there back in April. It has been over a year since I graduated from college. Lets look back at what I have accomplished in my first full year of grown up life!
--Got my first grown up job with a salary. And yet I still get to have snack at work. Bring on the string cheese, go gurts and chocolate milk!
--Put my first cd on i-tunes. Its call "This is for You," its not the other stuff from Katie Lee... that stuff is a little strange. If you haven't looked it up yet, you can go here:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/katie-le--Got hired for efy again. Working as a BC on the Salt Lake Stay at Home session team. Pretty stinkin excited!
--Wrote some really great songs with piano. It reall
y renewed my love for the piano!
--I moved a few months ago to a new apartment in my complex and it has been great fun! Its very social and I feel very at home there.
--Joined a polynesian gospel choir! Who knew I had soul!?
--Ok... I'm having a very had time thinking of grown up accomplishments. My life is sadder than I thought.
--Found my favorite movie maybe ever... well after Heavyweights. Bandslam! Such a great movie!!

--I actually love my grown up job 95% of the time! That is a huge accomplishment!
--I almost started loving working out... it lasted about a week.
--Went to some awesome concerts! Ingrid Michaelson, April Meservy, Debra Fotheringham, Ryan Innes, Jarrett Burns, Kate Voegele, Matthew Perryman Jones, Demi Lovato.
--April Meservy told me she loved my music!
-- I signed up for a summer lds music industry workshop. I'm one step closer to getting famous!
--I took pictures on train tracks! Something I have always wanted to do!
--I almost signed up to take a balloon art class! Sadly... I did not. Maybe in a few months I will, or possibly a Hula Hooping for adults class!
--I pay my own bills! I have my own car! I even got new tires on my car!
And that is my grown up life in a nutshell! Boring I know... But I have fun doing it!